To see the full list of filters, you can click on the ADD FILTER button, as shown below. To make it easy to navigate and pick filters, these filters have been classified into different categories like Profitability, Valuation etc.

The filters created by you are visible under the category titled 'Your Filters'.
To see the list of filters in any category, just click on the category name. If you hover on any filter, you would also be able to see the definition of the filter, before deciding if you want to include it in the screening process.
To know more about each filter, you can also click on the learn more link at the bottom of the add filter window and it will direct you to our learning portal having in-depth explanation of each and every filter inside the selected category. To add a filter to the criteria list, just click on the same.
As soon as you click on any filter, it will be added the filter list on the left pane. You can then set a range for that filter.
You can even search for filters using the search bar on the top right.