A basket is how all your buying happens, right?
We thought why not introduce baskets to investments as well. Gone are the days when we had to transact in each stock individually. So, we brought your familiar buying experience and created a basket for you.
The basket contains two sections: Buy Orders and Sell Orders. After you've added items to your basket (read this article to check how to do that) - you can head over to the basket page by clicking on the basket icon in the top header bar. This is how it looks:
Desktop(the one with the badge count next to it) Mobile
Your added items in the basket will look something like this:
From here, you can:
- Copy all items to the watchlist
- Update Quantity for each item
- Switch between Buy and Sell order type for each row by clicking on the options menu for that row
- Place Order individually for a stock - Buy (or Sell) Now in the options dropdown menu. Or you can place an order for the entire basket by clicking on Place Orders
The amount next to the Place Orders button mentioning the net value (receive or pay - depending on whether this is an overall Net buy or Net sell group of orders) is an indicative value calculated using the last trading prices and quantities of each stock.
Since the orders will be placed as market orders, the final executed trade price might be different from the prices displayed here and as such, this amount might be different. This amount also doesn't factor in any brokerages / STT that your broker might levy. Please contact your broker for more details on transaction charges.
To see the order flow on initiating an order, please check this article (click here).