
How can I analyze stock deals?
Stocks can be filtered using 5 filters i.e. Stocks, Date Range, Party, Category and Transaction Type.  You can select all or any combination of these filte...
Fri, 2 Jul, 2021 at 3:13 PM
What is Holdings Change% ?
Holdings change % is the number of shares transacted in a particular deal as a % of the company's outstanding shares. This indicates how a deal impacts ...
Fri, 2 Jul, 2021 at 3:14 PM
What are the different types of stock deals?
There are 3 broad categories: Insider trades, Bulk and Block deals. Insider trades are further categorized depending on the transacting insiders, like Promo...
Fri, 2 Jul, 2021 at 3:14 PM
How can I export the data?
Clicking on the Folder icon on the top right of the trades table, you can download your data in CSV format. For exporting data, it is required to apply at l...
Thu, 16 Sep, 2021 at 12:35 PM