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Stock selection for intra day trading

Can anybody guide on system to be followed for selecting INTRADAY stock for intra day trading?

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1) Choose high beta stocks 2) Stock should be fundamentally strong and have moderate (neither high nor low) free floating market shares(ex: Navin Fluorine, Affle, LT Infotech, Deepak Nitrate etc. ) there are plenty... 3)Buy on 50 DMA support (stocks that are in uptrend) 4)Maintain Strict Stoploss (do not neglect) 5) Keep an eye on volume distribution and take exit.

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Portfolio is not getting updated,what is the procedure?

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Intraday tips

Hi Deepak,

We can see you have written to us on the same issue over email, to which we have sent a response.
Please check and share the requested details over the same email thread.

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A good stock for intraday on monday

Hi Manowar, 

Tickertape provides data, information, and content for Indian stocks, ETFs, and Indices. It's a platform that enables investors with their research and data on the Indian stock market.


As for the query you raised, we will not be able to comment on this as we are not licensed as an advisory unit, and licensing agreements prevent us from doing so. The consequences of breaching are too grave for us to take any chance.




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