is all time high(life time high) indicator available in your tickertape screener ?
It's been 2 years and tickertape team promised to get all time high price of the stock as filter option but it's not here yet.
Pl advice ?
we are still waiting for all time high price for the stock as filter option
mohit puleriya
This is Mohit Puleriya From Indore (M.P., India)
I have seen All Time High Filter, in website, but I love to use your website sir, and i found your website is an amazing product than others, but when i find all time high (life time high) price of the stocks, I socked because the filter of all time high is not available on your website, so I would recommend you as well as this is my humble request to you sir,
Please add All time high (Life time High) Filter in your screener.
Thank You So Much
We Love You...B-bye
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