Hi, Please add this 3 M return filter.
It's best of both past and recent trends.
Hi Akhilesh,
Surely, that's a great suggestion. We are adding this to our feature requests list where it might be taken into consideration for our coming updates. Stay tuned!
Hi Sakil,
Yes, we are adding this to our feature requests list where it might be taken into consideration for our coming updates. Stay tuned!
Please implement this feature. It was requested a long time ago.
Hi Shrinidhi,
Yes, we understand your concern.
We are bumping up your feature request with the concerned team.
We'll notify you in case of any updates on the same.
Please be rest assured.
This feature was requested more than 2 years ago!
And still awaiting updates....
Come one smallcase team, please add this filfter.
Hi, Pls add 3Months return and 3M Vs Nifty return as well.
Guys, it's been more than 2 years since the initial request, still we all wait for it. As a premium subscriber, it's sad we are not able to get our requests fulfilled. :(
Chandru Hegde
6 people like this idea