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Link Icici Direct

Hi team , When can we expect to link icici direct demat account ? Is there any way to upload my portfolio on ticker tape So I can analyze & track all my stocks & holdings.

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Hi Arpan,

Thank you for reaching out to us.

We totally understand your concern. That said, we do not have any ETA on this at the moment. We have bumped up our feature requests list where it might be taken into consideration for our coming updates. 
About your query on the portfolio - the only way to upload a portfolio is via connecting your broker on the platform currently, Arpan. We are exploring other options in the meantime.
Do let us know if you need help with anything else.
Regards, Tickertape

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ICICI direct is not supported. It gives me an error saying Broker not supported.

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Hi Hormuzdiar, 

Answering your queries below -

Currently, we do not have any TAT on linking your ICICI Direct portfolio on Tickertape. About manually uploading it - we currently do not support this. However, our team is working on having this feature included in the platform shortly and you will be able to monitor all your holdings from Tickertape. 


We'll update you as soon as it's available. Regret the inconvenience caused in the meantime.


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We understand that the integration to icici direct is taking time, but is there a way we customers can up vote this feature or something through which this can be considered on higher priority?

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I am able to link icici direct, but do not see the portfolios

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For ICICI Direct, broker is connected, but it shows "Broker not supported" error.

I would like to opt premium plan, but cannot do so until this problem is solved.

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This we are hearing for a pretty long time. Can you give a probable date?

Is this available now? I don’t think I see ICICIDirect as an option to add

Can we upload our portfolio in icicidirect  to Ticker Tape manually?

How can we upload ICIC direct stocks on tickertape portfolio?

Hi Shashank, 

This feature is currently not possible on the platform. The only way to import portfolio is by connecting a broker on the platform.


For ICICI direct, it's saying broker is not supported. Can you please help resolve?

I am able to connect my ICICIdirect account, but it does not sync portfolio.. keeps giving "Something went wrong error"and under portfolio it shows "Broker not supported" error. When we will be able to sync our ICICI Direct portfolio?

Have been waiting for this feature for years now!!

i have linked my icicidirect but not seeing the portfolio being updated. please advice

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