Any update on this feature ? Core purpose of tracking portfolio in its entirety is not getting addressed. Hope Product team prioritizes this and pls provide an ETA
Being a PRO user for some time now, is there an ETA to look forward for the feature?
So people have been asking for including SGB to the tracker for the past 2 years, and the tickertape team hasn't gotten around to doing it still?
Could this have something to do with their decoupling from zerodha and being replaced by Tijori?
I fail to understand why this is such a difficult task... SGB is like any other security...
i already feel like i've wasted Rs. 1,400+ for 1 year of tickertape, and things like this don't help...
Hi Team,
I'd like to track my SGB investment as part of my overall portfolio and I have SGBs from Zerodha which is already a connected broker. Any update on this feature?
Akash Sukheja
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