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I sold gold value of 960 but didn't receive amount in my account..

13 people have this question

From past 1month Iinvested in gold on Tickertape, today 18/6/24 I sold my gold in Tickertape but have not received my money yet

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I sold gold but haven't received amount in my account
I will tell my gold my money is not created in my account

I haven't recieved the amount either . Sold on 7th June 2024 and today is 11th Jun. Looking at this thread it seems its a scam ?! Better raise complaint in consumer court.

I sell gold but didn't receive amount in my bank account, any help.. seriously its frustrating..very bad app ..

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Daily gold sip has some server issues from last 3 days please resolve the issue
Any updates about money transfer
I sold it yesterday I.e. 17.05.24. No updates and somehow that 300 Rs worth of bonus gold is vanished.
I sold it yesterday and haven't received the money yet.
Did anyone get the amount on their account back yet?
I sold gold valve of 9903 but money not credited to my bank account
Did you get the amount .. how many days it took
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