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Multiple Broker Accounts

Need to have the option to connect more than one broker account

78 people like this idea

I am  a paid subscription and this is a much needed feature. 

Can someone please provide an ETA here? It is been pending since 2 years.

This feature request has been pending for 2 years now. With so ma y users asking for it how is it that you are not able to prioritize such a simple feature.

is this feature in the roadmap? Would be really helpful, if you could provide us with ETA. 

Need option to add multiple brokers.

The ability to view multiple DMAT accounts under one will be a wonderfull one. Please onboard other brokers as well, like Yes securities, hdfc, angel etc..

I will get a paid subscription, only when this feature is available.

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Is this feature ever going to be supported? This thread is already 2 years old. Unfortunately, I have already paid for 1 year subscription fee. Not having this feature is really a deal breaker. 

Any ETA on this feature?

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This is great if we connect all of our broker and see the performance on single portal…..

Looking for this

Require MultiBroker Connectivity, pls emable in premium accounts

Any updates, please someone respond from the tickertape

Is there any update on adding multiple broker account. Probably consolidated info may also be available nsdl / cdsl
Is there any update???

Bumping up this thread - this is a critical feature requirement - and you should unlock this at least for PRO users.

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Any ETA on this feature ?

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